Jan 28, 2009 Ann Arbor to Nashville

We left this morning at 9 AM and ended up in Nashville at roughly 9 PM. There was a lot of snow on the way which slowed us down. Quite a few cars slid off the roads. At one point, we were detoured and lost an hour. Plan to leave at 7 AM tomorrow to arrive in Columbus Miss by around 1 PM.


  1. pretty stormy here yesterday too.
    Nice to see you're all in one piece so far.
    keep up the surviving.
    Nice to see what your buddy looks like. :)

  2. Was trying to post a comment and could not do it - so above was a trial - not that I'm not saying Hi to you but I might have said more if I knew it was going to work. Then again this might not work and I will have to try something else - oh my! Do hope you are having a good time - don't work too hard and remember to get in your sitting time!! Love u....
