Alas, my Florida boat trip is over. I am flying from Orlando to Toronto. The check in was the most efficient I have ever seen. Just gave them my passport and they took my luggage at the curb and gave me my ticket.
The weather is again beautiful. No pictures because there is nothing interesting, just highways and airports. Oh but wait, upon reviewing yesterday's pics, I noticed that the small boat with the bird might be interpreted as showing a fake bird. Here is another pic taken as the bird got a little spooked. It did not leave the boat, just flapped its wings to maintain its balance.
We didn't get to Stuart Florida as originally planned but I got a good feel for traveling parts of the Great Loop. Not so crazy about the rivers and the Gulf Crossing. If Shirley and I take a long boat trip, it still might be the Loop or maybe just going down the East Coast to Florida and then across to the Bahamas or maybe we will just cruise in the lakes in the summers. Time will tell.
In the meantime, it will be good to get back home, to all the things that I am familiar with. And with the weather starting to warm up, I should be able to get our boat ready for Georgian Bay in April. Toronto in the Spring time, ahhh.